
A Doll A Day - A 365 Challenge

The start of the New Year is nearly here. 2013. Wow, this has been a crazy year and I feel like I've let too much rush by so quickly. So this year I have a couple of resolutions and they all revolve around my one little word for the year, MORE!! 

I want to take more photos of all my girls, make and be more creative, less procrastination and more active and productive! 

A 365 Challenge

So a couple of years ago I had all the good intentions of going through with a blythe 365, you can see some that I did take here. I loved doing it and it really made me think out of the box. But I didn't finish, and I have a few more ideas up my sleeve! *wink!* 

So this year I've decided to give it another shot! Are you going to give it ago?! Let me know and we can cheer each other on, or join the flickr group. 

One more question, if you're going to give it ago, are you going to go with one girl the whole year or multiple?! I have about twenty four hours to decide and I have no idea! 


  1. This year I start a 365 days project too! Feeling excited about it! :)

    1. Good Luck for it! :) Are you taking it of anything in particular and have you every done one before? I hope I keep the enthusiasm up with mine! ;)
